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Cultural Appropriation in Witchcraft

  The type of witchcraft which is most common is eclectic, a style by which you take aspects of different types of witchcraft (divination, green, hedge, etc.) and create your own blend so the practice reflects who you are as a person. However, where you find these aspects can often have negative connotations if you don't fully appreciate and understand where  these aspects of witchcraft come from. As an English witch, when I first started my practice the thing I noticed most was that a lot of the learning guides on "how to be a witch" were American. English witchcraft is often consumed by the Wicca religion, whereas the New Age Paganism which spread in the US often expresses a practice more appealing to non-religious witches.  Yet, the difficulty of witchcraft in America is that a lot of the practices derive from ancient religions and customs from the indigenous people they conquered, or from other countries entirely as witchcraft (the type western people practice to...

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