How to Use Moon Water
Moon water is one of the key magical ingredients that witches use in their spell work. The oldest record of the creation of moon water dates back to the 1800s!
To make moon water, all you have to do is leave out water to be charged under the moon and collect it before the sunrise. Moon water is best stored in glass or a ceramic container and kept in a cool, dark place.
Uses of Moon Water
Charge and Cleanse Crystals
Moon water can be used to charge and cleanse your crystals, however some crystals can be damaged by water, so remember to research what crystals that are safe.
Moon water can be used to charge and cleanse your crystals, however some crystals can be damaged by water, so remember to research what crystals that are safe.
Safe in water
Clear quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz, rose quartz, citrine, tiger's eye, agate, snow quartz, aventurine, red jasper
Clear quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz, rose quartz, citrine, tiger's eye, agate, snow quartz, aventurine, red jasper
Not safe in water
carnelian, celestite, galena, halite, hematite, labradorite, lepidolite, lodestone, malachite, mica, moldavite, muscovite, obsidian, opals, pearls, pyrite, selenite, turquoise, ulexite
Cleanse Yourself
Along with crystals, you can also use it to cleanse yourself. Use moon water as a hair rinse, or pour a cup into your bath. Add a cup to your washing machine to cleanse your clothes. Cool water does better with lunar magic.
Moon water isn't generally safe to drink as leaving it out during the night, especially if you leave it outside. If you intend to use your moon water as something to drink from, be sure to leave it in a sealed container and consume within the month.
Water Your Plants
Water your magical herbs and plants with moon water to ensure a good harvest.
Cleanse Mirrors
Wash your mirror with charged moon water to prepare them for scrying.
Put moon water into a spray which you can use to cleanse yourself or areas in your home. (You can also use it as part of a bad-vibes be gone spray, the instructions can be found on our Instagram account or as a sleep spray for good dreams).
Use the lunar water on your altar, use to float candles in, add it to a black bowl to use for scrying.
If you paint with watercolours, you can use moon water to add a touch of magic with your painting.
Healing Water
You also might want to create a spiritual healing water that you can use to dab on your skin, use as a spray or anoint your clothes with. The following are some herbs that will help set this intention.
Anise, blue lotus, clary sage, milk thistle, ginger, hibiscus, poppy, rose, aloe, almond, bamboo, coconut.
As always, don't use any herbs which you know you are allergic to, and always research what herbs are safe for humans and animals. Although you won't be ingesting any of these herbs, some can have bad skin reactions if you haven't tried them before to know if they're safe for your skin type.
There are many, many more uses for moon water, but these are just a few ideas of how you might be able to incorporate lunar magic into your spell craft or everyday life. I wish you well in your spell craft and cleansing!
Blessed Be,
Diana Greenbird
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