What is Magic?


There are many different ways to define magic. A different witch might tell you something and then another witch informs you of an aspect the first witch didn't cover. The magic that the Burrow witches follow isn't one gained by a rite or any supernatural means. Nor is it something that will go entirely against all aspects of known science as most people believe (because isn't magic always seen as the antithesis of science?)

The basic principle of magic is this:

Energy + Intention = Magic


The version of witchcraft that I practice does not include deities or higher sentient powers - one of the reasons my practice can be incorporated into any existing religion along with those of you who are agnostic. The basis of power and magic, instead, comes from energy. A force that can neither be created nor destroyed, but transferred. 

Just like the atoms that exist inside us are those made up of stardust, each part of our body, our minds, our souls, is made up of energy that has existed since the dawn of time and will exist long after what is considered "you" has returned to the earth. 


It is because we are all working with (and a part of) this energy that we are able to influence it. You simply need to become aware of it, and how you fit into the larger space this Universe occupies. 

Your intention is what the foundation of a witch's spell would be: what do you want to accomplish? What energy do you want to bring towards you or repel?


You are in control of your own intention, your desires, but you are not in control of how they manifest. Tuning into the Universe and casting out your intention - the last part is a waiting game. It is also a surprise as not only will you be unable to be certain when your intention will manifest (though you can certainly try and direct it when you originally cast) but how it will come to be is a mystery controlled by the Universe.*

Philosophy: The Law of Attraction

The name "law of attraction" is not affiliated with witchcraft. In fact, you'll see it most used in New Thought philosophy in books like The Secret. But most of the concepts are the same with what you are trying to achieve when you are setting your intention and casting it out into the Universe. 

Science: Psychoenergetic & Post-material

Physics is based upon the concept that reality is limited to physical matter. Which leaves a whole gap of knowledge when it comes to non-physical phenomena. But there is a branch of science that studies just that: Post-Material Science and Quantum Physics, which flirts with the realms of science that were once thought to be concepts for mystics or spiritualists. 

In a word: scientists are only just now able to (with advances in technology, but also advancements in thought of what constitutes as science) study and begin to research phenomenon witches have been observing and influencing for hundreds of years.

If you'd like to learn more these scientific areas of study that related to "magic" (energy and intention) look up entanglement and non-locality.

"For the last four hundred years, an unstated assumption of science is that human intention cannot affect what we call ‘physical reality.’ Our experimental research of the past decade shows that, for today’s world and under the right conditions, this assumption is no longer correct. We humans are much more than we think we are and Psychoenergetic Science continues to expand the proof of it."

-Dr Ben Tiller**

If you would like to know more on how to channel your intention, please continue to read our blog posts, as well as watch our YouTube videos that will include helpful tips on how to manifest your intention and work with magic.

I hope that this post was informative!

Blessed Be,

Diana Greenbird

Author's Note

If you are a witch where your practice includes deities and higher sentient powers, or if you are combining this practice with a religion you already hold, you will have different definitions of magic as it is likely that you believe the outcome of spells to be heavily influenced by those that you worship. If this applies to you, then the above definition of witchcraft would likely be adapted in the form of the outcome being known by your deity and the where/how of your intention manifesting will be decided by them rather than the results remaining "a mystery" to all.

Warning: A caution that you will likely see in all my blogposts - do not try to cure illness (mental or physical) with magic. In my experience, the Universe and energy itself does not see death as "evil" or "bad". It is part of a cycle of life, and as energy can neither be created nor destroyed, nor does it have any true sentience of its own, it will not see illness or death as something to be avoided, but just as a natural part of living. Even if you follow a religion or a practice that has higher sentient deities I urge you to seek medical help for any illness you may suffer from rather than rely on other forces to cure you.

*There is a very damaging idea that goes along with magic and/or prayer and that is: the reason I did not get my intention to manifest is because I didn't succeed in bringing that energy to me. I failed. 

When you commit to putting energy into your intention you must always consider that you are not the sole being in the Universe. In your city alone, there are thousands of humans, all with their own energies, all with their own wants and desires. And then there are the creatures we cohabit this earth with, the plethora of flora and fauna we often forget not only exist, but are alive, living their lives unknown or unconsidered. 

Each action has a reaction, each change or vibration of energy is felt throughout the whole Universe and has rippling effects (see Chaos Theory: Butterfly Effect). When you send your intention out into the world either as a wish or a fully formed spell, you must always be mindful that if you do not manifest your intention, the failing does not lie with you. Perhaps the result would have greatly caused harm - unbeknownst to you - on another who was in a more vulnerable position. Perhaps steps are being made in the present which require you not to succeed in this instance of magic, for the benefit of you in later life.

** Please click here to follow the link to Dr Tiller's Wikipedia page for his credentials as well as further reading if you are interested in the science behind "intention".


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